Proper Name | Harriot | Designations | Copernicus f, Rho1 Cancri f, 55 Cancri f, HD 75732 f Also sometimes specified as Rho1 Cancri A f, 55 Cancri A f, HD 75732 A f | Classification | Gas Giant | Orbital Period | 259 days, 22 hours | Mean Distance from Copernicus | 115.3 million km 0.77 AU | Mass | 0.15 x Jupiter | Diameter | Not known | Temperature | Not known | Parent star | Copernicus (Rho1 Cancri, 55 Cancri), yellow dwarf in Cancer | Other planets in this system |
Brahe (Copernicus c), gas giant
Galileo (Copernicus b), gas giant
Janssen (Copernicus e), super Earth
Lipperhey (Copernicus d), gas giant
| Notes | Harriot is probably a small gas giant, one of four planets of the yellow dwarf Copernicus that orbit closer to their star than Earth's distance from the Sun (the system also has a fifth planet, Lipperhey, orbiting considerably farther from the star). |
08 52 35.810 +28 19 53.96 FoV: 29.95'
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