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Right Ascension5h32 to 5h41
Declination-1.9° to -0.3°
Area (sq deg)4
Brightest StarAlnilam
Optimum VisibilityDecember / January
05 36 12.810 -01 12 6.91
FoV: 6.99°
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Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas

Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. These three prominent stars in the central regions of the constellation of Orion align to form the 'belt' of the Hunter. The identification of these three stars as a belt is a very old one. The Arabic names of two of the stars reflect this: Mintaka means 'the belt' and Alnitak means 'the girdle'. (The name of the third star, Alnilam, means 'the string of pearls'.)

Map of Orion's Belt Map of Orion's Belt


The three stars that make up the Belt are all immensely hot, massive and luminous bodies, of the brilliant blue O- and B-type spectral classifications. Both Alnilam and Alnitak are supergiants, and Mintaka, while not quite as massive as its companions, is still a true giant.

Diagram of Orion's Belt Diagram of Orion's Belt

The linear alignment of the Belt is a line-of-sight effect that conceals somewhat the true relations of the stars making it up. In fact, the stars at either end of the Belt, Alnitak and Mintaka, are the closest together in space: Alnitak is a little over 700 light years from Earth, and Mintaka about forty light years closer. The central star, Alnilam, is much more distant than either of these, lying on the edge of the Orion Molecular Cloud nearly 2,000 light years from the Solar System.

Alnilam is the most massive and luminous of the three stars, so that despite its greater distance it still shines more brightly than its two companions. If the three stars were the same distance away, Alnilam would easily outshine the other Belt-stars. It is about 10,000 times more luminous than the Sun.


Like much of its parent constellation, Orion's Belt is a highly nebulous region of the sky. This is especially true in the direction of Alnitak, where numerous nebulous structures are found. The most famous of these is undoubtedly the dark Horsehead Nebula, a dark cloud blotting out the light from the red-pink streak of IC 434. Also occupying this region are the less well known Flaming Tree Nebula (NGC 2024) and the so-called Lump Star (NGC 2023).


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