Columba The Dove
Genitive Columbae Abbreviation Col Constellation Family Heavenly Waters Celestial Quadrants SQ1 , SQ2 Right Ascension 5h04 to 06h40 Declination -27.1° to -43.1#176; Area (sq deg)270 Brightest Star Phact Optimum Visibility December / January Notes Columba is not distinctive in the sky (its brightest star , Phact , is only third magnitude ), but it is surrounded by prominent stars and constellations . The familiar shape of Orion lies directly to the north from Columba, beyond Lepus the Hare . Sirius , the brightest star in the sky, likes northeastward of the Dove, while Canopus , the sky's second brightest star , is near this constellation to the south.
One of the southern sky's many bird-constellations , Columba is thought to represent the dove sent out from his ark by Noah, returning with an olive branch. Its major star is known as Phact .
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