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Collinder 444

Melotte 238, NGC 7209

Proper NameNone
Messier NumberNone
NGC/IC NumberNGC 7209
Other DesignationsCollinder 444, Melotte 238
Right Ascension22h 4m 54s
Declination+46° 30' 29"
Distancec.3,800 light years
c.1,200 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +7.69
Absolute: -2.62
DiameterApparent: 14'
Actual: 16 light years
Number of Starsc. 1,000
Optimum VisibilitySeptember (Usually visible from northern latitudes)

Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas

A faint open cluster of stars in the constellation of Lacerta, close to its border with Cygnus. Collinder 444 lies within the band of the Milky Way, some 3,800 light years from the Solar System, and contains about a thousand blue and white stars.


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