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Proper NameNone
Messier NumberNone
NGC/IC NumberNGC 2451A (a component cluster of NGC 2451)
Other DesignationsOne of a pair of clusters jointly catalogued as Collinder 161
Right Ascension7h 42m 57s
Declination-38° 15' 50"
Distance636 light years
195 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +2.70
Absolute: -3.75
DiameterApparent: 2°
Actual: 22 light years
Number of Starsc. 800
Optimum VisibilityJanuary / February
07 42 56.600 -38 15 50.00
FoV: 2.3°
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The grouping of stars in this image was originally classified as a single cluster, Collinder 161 or NGC 2451. They are now recognised as belonging to two separate clusters overlaid on one another in the sky, with NGC 2451A representing the nearer of the two. NGC 2451B lies on a similar line of sight (though slightly to the northeast of NGC 2451A) and is approximately twice as far from the Sun at a distance of some 1,200 light years. Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas


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