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Scorpion Cluster

M52, NGC 7654

Proper NameScorpion Cluster
Messier NumberM52
NGC/IC NumberNGC 7654
Right Ascension23h 24m 48s
Declination+61° 35' 36"
Distancec.4,600 light years
c.1,400 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +6.9
Absolute: -3.8
DiameterApparent: 15'
Actual: 20 light years
Number of Starsc. 1,000
Optimum VisibilitySeptember / October (Usually visible from northern latitudes)
NotesMessier 52, sometimes called the Scorpion Cluster, is a populous open cluster of widely scattered stars showing little concentration toward a central core. It lies less than a degree from the Bubble Nebula (Caldwell 11) in the sky, though in fact the cluster lies considerably farther from the Sun than the nebula.

An open star cluster in the band of the Milky Way. It lies within Cassiopeia, near that constellation's border with Cepheus, this cluster is rich and relatively young. It is some 4,600 light years distant from Earth.

Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas


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