A yellow -orange star forming part of the faint constellation of Crater , the Cup . There are few proninent stars in this region of the sky, but the quadrangle that makes up Corvus the Crow , directly eastward of Crater , can help to point the way to this star . Despite its 'Delta' designation, Delta Crateris is in fact the brightest of the stars within its constellation . apparent magnitude of +3.56, while comparatively faint, nonetheless outshines Alpha , Beta and Gamma Crateris , all of which are of fourth magnitude .
J2000 J2000d GAL 11 19 20.450 -14 46 42.74
FoV: 49.92'
Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas
Delta Crateris is a giant star some 192 light years from the Sun . The star is generally classed as a yellow G-type giant , though some source prefer to classify it as a K-type orange star . It is in the later stages of its evolution , having consumed its hydrogen reserves and begun to fuse helium in its core , and expanded to some twenty times the Sun's diameter . Delta Crateris has no known companion stars or planets .
The star is notable for its low levels of metallicity (that is, it is relatively lacking in heavier elements as compared to a star like the Sun ), and also for its low rotation rate - so low, in fact, that the star's rotation os not directly measurable.