The Third Age |
| 2463 | 863 | Formation of the Council of the Wise. |
c. | 2463 | 863 | Déagol discovers the One Ring. Sméagol murders him and takes it for himself. |
c. | 2470 | 870 | Driven out by his people, Sméagol (or Gollum) flees into hiding in the Misty Mountains. |
| 2475 | 875 | Mordor launches a sudden attack on Osgiliath, finally ruining the long-decaying city and breaking its bridge. |
| 2477 | 877 | Death of Steward Denethor I. He is succeeded by his son Boromir. |
| 2480 | 880 | Birth of Hallas son of Cirion, later Steward of Gondor. |
c. | 2480 | 880 | Sauron sends Orcs and Trolls to infest the Misty Mountains and cut off their passes, and to occupy the ruins of Moria. |
| 2485 | 885 | Birth of Eorl son of Léod, later to become the first King of Rohan. |
| 2488 | 888 | Death of King Óin of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded by his son, Náin. |
| 2489 | 889 | Death of Steward Boromir. He is succeeded by his son Cirion. |
c. | 2497 | 897 | Birth of Aravorn, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain. |
| 2501 | 901 | Léod is thrown by the horse Felaróf and dies. Eorl the Young becomes Lord of the Éothéod. |
| 2509 | 909 | Celebrían is captured by Orcs, and receives a poisoned wound. |
| | | Steward Cirion sends messengers into the north to seek aid from the Éothéod against Gondor's enemies. |
| 2510 | 910 | Departure of Elrond's spouse Celebrían into the West. |
| | | The Rohirrim ride to the aid of Gondor and are victorious in the Battle of the Field of Celebrant. They are given the land of Calenardhon (Rohan) to dwell in, and Eorl the Young becomes its first King. |
| 2512 | 912 | Birth of Brego son of Eorl. |
| 2515 | 915 | Likely date of birth of Húrin son of Hallas, who later ruled Gondor as Steward Húrin II. |
| 2523 | 923 | Death of Arahad I. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Aragost. |
| 2542 | 942 | Birth of Thrór, later King under the Mountain. |
| 2544 | 944 | Birth of Aldor son of Brego, later to be King of Rohan. |
| 2545 | 945 | Likely date of the birth of Belecthor son of Húrin II, later Ruling Steward Belecthor I of Gondor. |
| | | Eorl of Rohan is slain in battle. He is succeed as King by his son Brego. |
| 2552 | 952 | Birth of Frór, second son of Dáin I of Durin's Folk. |
| 2560 | 960 | Birth of Farin son of Borin. |
| 2563 | 963 | Probable date of the birth of Arahad son of Aravorn, later Chieftain Arahad II of the Dúnedain. |
| | | Birth of Grór, third son of Dáin I, in the Grey Mountains. |
| 2567 | 967 | Death of Steward Cirion. He is succeeded by his son Hallas. |
| 2569 | 969 | Meduseld, the Golden Hall of Edoras, is completed by King Brego. At the feast of celebration, Brego's son Baldor vows to enter the Paths of the Dead. He sets out for the Dwimorberg and is lost. |
| 2570 | 970 | Death of King Brego of Rohan, from grief at the loss of his son Baldor in the Paths of the Dead. He is succeeded by Baldor's brother Aldor. |
| | | Birth of Fréa son of Aldor, later to become King of Rohan. |
| 2576 | 976 | Likely date of the birth of Orodreth son of Belecthor I, later Ruling Steward of Gondor. |
| 2585 | 985 | Death of King Náin II of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded by his son, Dáin. |
| 2588 | 988 | Death of Chieftain Aragost of the Dúnedain. He is succeeded by his son, Aravorn. |
| 2589 | 989 | Dáin I and his son Frór are slain by a Cold-drake. Dáin is succeeded by his son Thrór. |
| 2590 | 990 | Grór, the younger brother of King Thrór of Durin's Folk, leads many Dwarves to settle in the Iron Hills east of Erebor. |
| | | The Dwarves of Durin's Folk return to Erebor. |
| 2594 | 994 | Birth of Fréawine, later King of Rohan. |
| 2600 | 1000 | Likely date of the birth of Ecthelion son of Orodreth, later Ruling Steward Ecthelion I of Gondor. |
| 2605 | 1005 | Death of Steward Hallas. He is succeeded by his son, who rules Gondor as Húrin II. |
| 2619 | 1019 | Birth of Goldwine, later King of Rohan. |
| 2620 | 1020 | Birth of Isengrim Took, later to become Thain Isengrim II of the Shire. |
| 2626 | 1026 | Probable date of the birth of Egalmoth, a descendant of Belecthor I, later Ruling Steward of Gondor. |
| 2628 | 1028 | Probable date of the birth of Arassuil son of Arahad, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain. |
| | | Death of Steward Húrin II. He is succeeded by his son, Belecthor I. |
| 2644 | 1044 | Birth of Thráin, later King Thráin II of Durin's Folk. |
| | | Birth of Déor, later King of Rohan. |
| 2645 | 1045 | Death of King Aldor the Old of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Fréa. |
| 2654 | 1054 | Death of Chieftain Aravorn of the Dúnedain. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes Arahad II. |
| 2655 | 1055 | Likely date of birth of Beren son of Egalmoth, later Ruling Steward of Gondor. |
| | | Death of Steward Belecthor I. He is succeeded by his son Orodreth. |
| 2659 | 1059 | Death of King Fréa of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Fréawine. |
| 2662 | 1062 | Birth of Fundin son of Farin. |
| 2665 | 1065 | Birth of Náin son of Grór in the Iron Hills. |
| 2666 | 1066 | Birth of Isumbras Took, later to become Thain Isengrim III of the Shire. |
| 2668 | 1068 | Birth of Gram son of Déor, later to become King of Rohan. |
c. | 2670 | 1070 | Introduction of pipe-weed to the Shire by Tobold Hornblower of Longbottom. |
| 2671 | 1071 | Birth of Gróin son of Farin in Erebor. |
| 2680 | 1080 | Death of King Fréawine of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Goldwine. |
| 2683 | 1083 | Isengrim Took II becomes the tenth Shire-thain of the Took line. The excavation of Great Smials is begun. |
| 2685 | 1085 | Death of Steward Orodreth. He is succeeded by his son, known as Ecthelion I. |
| 2691 | 1091 | Birth of Helm son of Gram, later King Helm Hammerhand of Rohan. |
| 2693 | 1093 | Probable date of the birth of Arathorn I, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain. |
| 2698 | 1098 | Steward Ecthelion I dies, having rebuilt the White Tower in Minas Tirith. Leaving no issue, he is succeeded by Egalmoth, a descendant of Belecthor I. |
| 2699 | 1099 | Death of King Goldwine of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Déor. |
| 2700 | 1100 | Probable date of the birth of Beregond, later Ruling Steward of Gondor. |
| 2701 | 1101 | Birth of Ferumbras, son and heir of Isumbras Took III. |
| 2704 | 1104 | Birth of Bandobras, younger son of Thain Isumbras III, later known as the Bullroarer. |
| 2710 | 1110 | The Dunlendings capture Isengard. |
| 2711 | 1111 | Death of Borin, ancestor of Gimli Elf-friend. |
| 2718 | 1118 | Death of King Déor of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Gram. |
| 2719 | 1119 | Death of Arahad II. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arassuil. |
| 2722 | 1122 | Death of Thain Isengrim II of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Isumbras III. |
| 2725 | 1125 | Approximate date of the birth of Buffo Boffin. |
| 2726 | 1126 | The birth of Fréaláf Hildeson, a nephew of Helm who will eventually become his successor. |
| 2731 | 1131 | Birth of Gundolpho Bolger, probably at Budgeford in the Eastfarthing of the Shire. |
| 2734 | 1134 | Birth of Gormadoc Brandybuck, later to become Master of Buckland. |
| 2740 | 1140 | Orcs attack Eriador for the first time in many years. |
| 2741 | 1141 | Death of King Gram of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Helm. |
| 2743 | 1143 | Death of Steward Egalmoth. He is succeeded by his son, Beren. |
| 2745 | 1145 | Orcs out of the Misty Mountains start their fiercest attacks on Eriador. |
| | | Birth of Fortinbras, son and heir of Thain Ferumbras Took II. |
| 2746 | 1146 | Birth of Thorin, later called Oakenshield, son of King Thráin II. |
| 2747 | 1147 | The Battle of Greenfields is fought in the Northfarthing of the Shire. |
| 2748 | 1148 | The worst of the Orc-battles of Eriador come to an end. |
| 2751 | 1151 | Birth of Frerin, second son of King Thráin II. |
| 2752 | 1152 | Birth of Brytta son of Fréaláf Hildeson, later King Brytta Léofa of Rohan. |
| | | Likely date of birth of Belecthor son of Beregond, who later ruled Gondor as Steward Belecthor II. |
| 2754 | 1154 | King Helm of Rohan slays his rebellious vassal Freca outside Edoras. |
| 2757 | 1157 | Birth of Argonui son of Arathorn I, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain. |
| 2758 | 1158 | Rohan is overrun by the Dunlendings and their allies. |
| | | November The Long Winter descends on Middle-earth. |
| 2759 | 1159 | Death of King Helm of Rohan. Both of Helm's sons also died in the Long Winter of this year, and so he was succeeded by his nephew Fréaláf. |
| | | Death of Thain Isumbras III of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Ferumbras II. |
| | | Saruman is given the Keys of Orthanc by Steward Beren. |
| | | March The Long Winter draws to an end. |
| 2760 | 1160 | Birth of Hamfast of Gamwich, an early ancestor of the Gamgees. |
| | | Birth of Dís, young sister to Thorin Oakenshield. |
| | | The Days of Dearth following the Long Winter come to an end. |
| 2763 | 1163 | Death of Steward Beren. He is succeeded by his son, Beregond. |
| | | Birth of Balin son of Fundin. |
| 2767 | 1167 | Birth of Bosco Boffin, son of Buffo Boffin and Ivy Goodenough. |
| | | Birth of Balbo Baggins, the oldest known member of the Baggins famly. |
| | | Birth of Dáin son of Náin, who later ruled Erebor as King Dáin II Ironfoot. |
| 2769 | 1169 | Birth of Basso Boffin, son of Buffo Boffin, in the Shire. |
| 2770 | 1170 | Smaug descends on Erebor, destroying it and the neighbouring town of Dale. |
| | | Birth of Briffo Boffin. |
| 2772 | 1172 | Birth of Dwalin. |
| | | Birth of Berylla, daughter of Buffo Boffin and Ivy Goodenough. |
| 2774 | 1174 | Birth of Gundahar, eldest son of Gundolpho Bolger. |
| | | Birth of Óin son of Gróin. |
| 2775 | 1175 | Birth of Madoc, son of Gormadoc Brandybuck, and later Master of Buckland. |
| 2778 | 1178 | Birth of Rudolph, second son of Gundolpho Bolger and Alfrida of the Yale. |
| 2779 | 1179 | Birth of Sadoc, second son of Gormadoc Brandybuck. |
| 2780 | 1180 | Birth of Walda son of Brytta, later King of Rohan. |
| 2782 | 1182 | Likely date of birth of Marroc, third son of Master Gormadoc Brandybuck. |
| | | Probable date of the birth of Thorondir, later Ruling Steward of Gondor. |
| 2783 | 1183 | Birth of Glóin son of Gróin. |
| 2784 | 1184 | Death of Arassuil. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arathorn I. |
| 2788 | 1188 | Birth of the raven Roäc son of Carc. |
| 2790 | 1190 | Birth of Gerontius Took, who will live for one hundred and thirty years, and become known as the Old Took. |
| | | Thrór is slain in Moria by Azog. His son Thráin succeeds as King of Durin's Folk. |
| 2793 | 1193 | To avenge his father's death, Thráin II leads the Dwarves against the Orcs: the War of the Dwarves and Orcs begins. |
| 2795 | 1195 | Basso Boffin disappears from the Shire, and is said to have gone to Sea. |
| 2798 | 1198 | Death of King Fréaláf of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Brytta. |
| 2799 | 1199 | The Battle of Azanulbizar. The War of the Dwarves and Orcs ends with the death of Azog. |
| 2800 | 1200 | Birth of Wiseman, son of Hamfast of Gamwich. |
| | | Orcs from the north begin to trouble the Rohirrim |
| 2801 | 1201 | Death of Thain Ferumbras II of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Fortinbras I. |
| 2802 | 1202 | Dwarves led by Thráin II and Thorin Oakenshield settle in the Blue Mountains |
| 2803 | 1203 | Death of Farin. |
| 2804 | 1204 | Birth of Folca son of Walda, later King of the Mark. |
| 2805 | 1205 | Death of Grór of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded as ruler of the Iron Hills by his grandson Dáin Ironfoot. |
| 2806 | 1206 | Death of Bandobras Took, known as the Bullroarer. |
| 2807 | 1207 | Birth of Laura Grubb, the earliest recorded member of the Grubb family. |
| | | Birth of Mungo, eldest child of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin. |
| 2810 | 1210 | Birth of Fastolph Bolger, son of Rudolph Bolger. |
| | | Briffo Boffin departs from the Shire and removes to Bree. |
| | | Birth of Holman the greenhanded, ancestor of the Gamgees and the Cottons. |
| 2811 | 1211 | Death of Steward Beregond. He is succeeded by his son, who rules as Belecthor II. |
| 2812 | 1212 | Birth of Pansy, daughter of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin. |
| | | Birth of Otto, son of Bosco Boffin and later head of the Boffin family. |
| 2814 | 1214 | Birth of Laura Grubb. |
| 2815 | 1215 | Birth of Adalgar, son of Gundahar Bolger and Dina Diggle. |
| | | Approximate date Buffo Boffin's death. |
| | | Probable date of the birth of Túrin II, later Ruling Steward of Gondor. |
| 2816 | 1216 | Birth of Ponto Baggins, son of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin. |
| 2817 | 1217 | Birth of Marmadoc, eldest son and heir of Master Madoc Brandybuck of Buckland. |
| 2818 | 1218 | Birth of Adaldrida, daughter of Gundahar Bolger and Dina Diggle. |
| 2820 | 1220 | Birth of Largo Baggins |
| | | Probable date of the birth of Arador, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain. |
| 2822 | 1222 | Birth of Gundabald Bolger. |
| | | Birth of Lily, youngest child of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin. |
| 2826 | 1226 | Birth of Salvia Brandybuck, daughter of Sadoc Brandybuck. |
| 2827 | 1227 | Birth of Aglahad of Dol Amroth, great-grandfather of Prince Imrahil. |
| 2830 | 1230 | Birth of Folcwine son of Folca, later King of the Mark. |
| | | Death of Gundolpho Bolger, patriarch of the Bolger family. |
| 2832 | 1232 | Birth of Isengrim, eldest son of Gerontius Took, later Thain Isengrim III |
| 2836 | 1236 | Death of Gormadoc Brandybuck. He is succeeded as Master of Buckland by his son Madoc. |
| 2838 | 1238 | Birth of Isumbras, third child of Gerontius Took, who would later become Thain Isumbras IV. |
| 2840 | 1240 | Birth of Hildigrim, fourth child of Gerontius the Old Took. |
| 2841 | 1241 | Thráin II sets out from the Blue Mountains, seeking to return to Erebor. |
| 2842 | 1242 | Birth of Isembold, the fifth child of Gerontius the Old Took. |
| | | Death of King Brytta of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Walda. |
| 2844 | 1244 | Birth of Hildifons Took. |
| 2845 | 1245 | Thráin is captured by Sauron, who thus recovers the last of the Seven Rings of the Dwarves. Unaware of his father's fate, Thráin's son Thorin becomes King of Durin's Folk. |
| 2846 | 1246 | Birth of Bungo Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Hob Gammidge. |
| 2847 | 1247 | Birth of Isembard, seventh child of the Old Took. |
| 2848 | 1248 | Death of Arathorn I. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Argonui. |
| | | Death of Thain Fortinbras I of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Gerontius, who becomes famous as the Old Took. |
| 2849 | 1249 | Birth of Hildibrand, eighth child of the Old Took. |
| | | Birth of Rowan, daughter of Holman the greenhanded |
| 2850 | 1250 | Gandalf enters Dol Guldur once again and discovers Thráin II imprisoned there. Thráin dies soon afterwards, but not before giving Gandalf a map and key. |
| 2851 | 1251 | Halfred Greenhand is born in the Shire. |
| | | King Walda of Rohan is attacked by Orcs near Dunharrow and slain. He is succeeded by his son Folca. |
| | | The White Council discover proof that the Necromancer of Dol Guldur is Sauron returned. Gandalf urges an immediate attack, but Saruman rejects this. |
| 2852 | 1252 | Birth of Belladonna Took, the mother of Bilbo Baggins. |
| 2854 | 1254 | Birth of Hugo Boffin, eldest son of Otto Boffin. |
| | | Birth of Erling, son of Holman the Greenhanded. |
| 2855 | 1255 | Probable date of birth of Turgon son of Túrin II, later Ruling Steward of Gondor. |
| | | Birth of Rudigar son of Adalgar Bolger. |
| 2856 | 1256 | Birth of Donnamira Took. |
| | | Birth of Belba Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Rosa Baggins. |
| 2857 | 1257 | Birth of Uffo Boffin, second son of Otto the Fat. |
| 2858 | 1258 | Death of Bosco Boffin. |
| | | Probable date of the death of Balbo Baggins, earliest known head of the Baggins family. |
| | | Birth of Folcred and Fastred, twin sons of Folcwine of Rohan. |
| 2859 | 1259 | Birth of Hending, son of Holman the greenhanded. |
| | | Birth of Thorin's nephew Fíli. |
| 2860 | 1260 | Birth of Rudibert, second son of Adalgar Bolger. |
| | | Birth of Mirabella, the youngest daughter of the Old Took. |
| | | Birth of Longo, third child of Mungo Baggins and Laura Grubb. |
| | | Birth of Rollo Boffin, third son of Otto Boffin the Fat. |
| | | Birth of Gorbadoc, son of Marmadoc Brandybuck and later Master of Buckland. |
| | | Birth of Cotman, grandfather of Farmer Tolman Cotton. |
| 2861 | 1261 | Birth of Theobald Bolger, son of Gundabald Bolger and Salvia Brandybuck.
| 2862 | 1262 | Birth of Linda, fourth child of Mungo Baggins and Laura Grubb. |
| | | Birth of Isengar Took, youngest child of the Old Took. |
| | | Birth of Rose, daiughter of Holman the greenhanded. |
| 2863 | 1263 | Birth of Carl, the younger brother of Cotman. |
| 2864 | 1264 | Birth of Bingo Baggins. |
| | | Ruby Bolger is born in the Shire. |
| | | King Folca of Rohan dies after being wounded by the Boar of Everholt. He is succeeded by his son Folcwine. |
| | | Birth of Fosco Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Kíli, nephew of Thorin Oakenshield and later part of his Company on the Quest of Erebor. |
| 2865 | 1265 | Birth of Primrose Boffin, later mother to Lobelia Bracegirdle (or Lobelia Sackville-Baggins). |
| 2866 | 1266 | Birth of Thorin son of Dáin Ironfoot, who would later rule as King Thorin III Stonehelm in Erebor. |
| | | Likely date of the birth of Angelimir, later Prince of Dol Amroth. |
| 2868 | 1268 | Birth of Orgulas Brandybuck, youngest child of Master Marmadoc the Masterful. |
| 2870 | 1270 | Birth of Fengel, youngest son of Folcwine of Rohan, but destined to succeed his father as King. |
| 2872 | 1272 | Steward Belecthor II of Gondor dies, and is succeeded by his son Thorondir. The second White Tree of Minas Tirith also dies at this time, and is left standing as the Dead Tree. |
| 2873 | 1273 | Date of the birth of Arathorn II, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain and father to Aragorn. |
| 2875 | 1275 | Gundahar Bolger dies, and is likely succeeded as head of the Bolger family by his son Adalgar. |
| 2877 | 1277 | Death of Madoc Brandybuck. He is succeeded as Master of Buckland by his son Marmadoc. |
| 2878 | 1278 | Birth of Fortinbras son of Isumbras Took IV, later Thain Fortinbras II. |
| 2879 | 1279 | Birth of Gimli, later called Elf-friend. |
| 2880 | 1280 | Birth of Adalgrim, son of Hildigrim Took and Rosa Baggins. |
| 2882 | 1282 | Death of Steward Thorondir. He is succeeded by his son, who rules as Túrin II. |
| 2883 | 1283 | Birth of Lalia Clayhanger, later matriarch of the Took family. |
| 2885 | 1285 | Birth of Hobson, also called Roper Gamgee. |
| | | Gondor and Rohan defeat a force of Haradrim at the Crossings of Poros. Folcred and Fastred of Rohan both fall in the battle. |
| 2886 | 1286 | Probable date of the birth of Ecthelion son of Turgon, later Steward Ecthelion II of Gondor. |
| 2887 | 1287 | Birth of Flambard, son of Isembard Took. |
| 2890 | 1290 | Birth of Sigismond, only recorded child of Hildibrand Took. |
| | | 22 September Birth of Bilbo Baggins in the Shire. |
c. | 2890 | 1290 | Very approximate date of the construction of Bag End. |
| 2892 | 1292 | Birth of Holman Greenhand. |
| 2894 | 1294 | Birth of Jago, son of Hugo Boffin and Donnamira Took. |
| 2899 | 1299 | Probable date of accession of Aglahad, nineteenth Prince of Dol Amroth and great-great-grandfather to Imrahil. |
| 2900 | 1300 | Death of Mungo Baggins, Bilbo's paternal grandfather. |
| | | Death of Otto Boffin. |
| | | Birth of Gruffo Boffin. |
c. | 2900 | 1300 | Approximate date of the refortification of Cair Andros by Steward Túrin II. |
| 2901 | 1301 | Birth of Adalbert, son of Rudigar Bolger and Amethyst Hornblower. |
| | | Uruk-hai out of Mordor attack Ithilien, driving out all but a few of its inhabitants. Henneth Annûn is built by the Gondorians. |
| 2902 | 1302 | Birth of Holman son of Cotman, the first Hobbit to bear the surname 'Cotton'. |
| | | Birth of Rorimac Brandybuck, future Master of Buckland, and of Posco Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Dora Baggins. |
| 2903 | 1303 | Birth of Falco Chubb-Baggins in the Shire. |
| | | Death of King Folcwine of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Fengel. |
| 2904 | 1304 | Birth of Odo Proudfoot. |
| | | Birth of Wilibald, son of Theobald Bolger and Nina Lightfoot. |
| | | Birth of Amaranth, daughter of Master Gorbadoc Brandybuck. |
| 2905 | 1305 | Birth of Thengel son of Fengel, later King of Rohan. |
| 2906 | 1306 | Birth of Prisca, daughter of Polo Baggins. |
| 2907 | 1307 | Birth of Gilraen, who would become the mother of Aragorn. |
| 2908 | 1308 | Birth of Drogo Baggins, later to become the father of Frodo Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Saradas, the third child of Gorbadoc Brandybuck. |
| | | Birth of Gorbulas, son of Orgulas Brandybuck. |
| 2910 | 1310 | Birth of Otho Sackville-Baggins. |
| | | Death of Marmadoc Brandybuck. He is succeeded as Master of Buckland by his son Gorbadoc. |
| 2911 | 1311 | The year of the Fell Winter. White Wolves invade the Shire. |
| | | Birth of Dudo Baggins, younger brother of Frodo's father Drogo. |
| | | Death of the elder Ponto Baggins. |
c. | 2911 | 1311 | Estimated date of birth of Bard the Bowman. |
| 2912 | 1312 | Death of Lily Baggins. |
| | | Death of Largo Baggins. |
| | | The melting snows of the Fell Winter cause disastrous flooding. Tharbad on the Gwathló is ruined and its bridge is broken. |
| | | Death of Argonui. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arador. |
| 2913 | 1313 | Birth of Asphodel Brandybuck, daughter of Gorbadoc Brandybuck and Mirabella Took. |
| | | Birth of Bruno Bracegirdle, elder brother of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. |
| 2914 | 1314 | Death of Adalgar Bolger. |
| | | Death of Steward Túrin II. He is succeeded by his son, Turgon. |
| 2916 | 1316 | Likely date of birth of Dinodas Brandybuck, youngest son of Gorbadoc Brandybuck. |
| | | On the death of his mother Laura Baggins (née Grubb), Bungo Baggins becomes head of the Baggins family. |
| | | Birth of Ferumbras Took, later Thain Ferumbras III of the Shire. |
| 2917 | 1317 | Apparent date of birth of Adrahil son of Angelimir, later Prince of Dol Amroth. |
| 2918 | 1318 | Birth of Lobelia Bracegirdle, better known by her married name of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. |
| 2920 | 1320 | Birth of Primula Brandybuck, youngest child of Master Gorbadoc of Brandy Hall. |
| | | Death of Thain Gerontius, the Old Took. He is succeeded by his son Isengrim III. |
| 2922 | 1322 | Birth of Morwen Steelsheen, later queen to King Thengel of Rohan. |
| 2923 | 1323 | Death of Gróin of Durin's Folk. |
| | | Birth of Andwise Roper, eldest brother of Hamfast Gamgee. |
| 2926 | 1326 | Birth of Hamfast Gamgee, the 'Gaffer', father of Sam Gamgee. |
| | | Death of Bungo Baggins, father of Bilbo Baggins. |
| 2928 | 1328 | Birth of Adelard, son of Flambard Took. |
| 2929 | 1329 | Marriage of Arathorn and Gilraen, the parents of Aragorn. |
| 2930 | 1330 | Birth of Denethor in Minas Tirith, later to become Steward Denethor II. |
| | | Death of Thain Isengrim III of the Shire. He is succeeded by his brother Isumbras IV. |
| | | Arador is slain by hill-trolls. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arathorn II. |
| 2931 | 1331 | 1 March Birth of Aragorn II Elessar. |
| 2932 | 1332 | Birth of Halfred of Overhill, youngest child of Roper Gamgee. |
| | | Likely date of accession of Imrahil's grandfather, Angelimir, the twentieth Prince of Dol Amroth. |
| 2933 | 1333 | Birth of Paladin Took, later Thain Paladin II and father to Peregrin Took. |
| | | Death of Aragorn's father Arathorn II. Aragorn is fostered by Elrond at Rivendell under the name Estel. |
| 2934 | 1334 | Death of Belladonna Took, mother of Bilbo Baggins. |
| | | Death of Hildibrand Took. |
| 2936 | 1336 | Birth of Esmeralda, the youngest child of Adalgrim Took. |
| | | Birth of Odovacar Bolger. |
| 2937 | 1337 | Birth of Vigo, son of Jago Boffin. |
| 2938 | 1338 | Birth of Rosamunda, daughter and eldest child of Sigismond Took. |
| 2939 | 1339 | Death of Thain Isumbras IV of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Fortinbras II. |
| 2940 | 1340 | Birth of Ferdinand, son of Sigismond Took. |
| | | Birth of Saradoc Brandybuck, later Master of Buckland and father of Meriadoc Brandybuck |
| 2941 | 1341 | Death of Hildigrim Took. |
| | | Birth of Tolman Cotton the elder. |
| | | 15 March Gandalf and Thorin encounter one another at Bree, and begin to plan the recovery of Erebor. |
| | | 25 April Gandalf briefly visits Bilbo Baggins at Bag End. |
| | | 26 April Thorin and Company come to Bag End with Gandalf, and the planning of the Quest of Erebor begins. |
| | | 27 April Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins and the Dwarves set out from Bag End on the Quest of Erebor. |
| | | May Bilbo and the Dwarves encounter three trolls, and narrowly escape being eaten. |
| | | Midyear's Day Bilbo Baggins and the Dwarves set out from Rivendell on their journey to the Lonely Mountain. |
| | | July Bilbo Baggins comes across the One Ring beneath the Misty Mountains. |
| | | Expulsion of the Necromancer from Dol Guldur by the White Council. |
| | | Bard the Bowman slays the Dragon Smaug. |
| | | October The Battle of Five Armies. Thorin Oakenshield is slain, and his cousin Dáin Ironfoot becomes King of Durin's Folk. |
c. | 2941 | 1341 | A young Hamfast Gamgee becomes apprenticed to the gardener Holman Greenhand. |