Glyph Web Sites
The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda is a personal project - a tribute to and a celebration of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The site is evolving into an illustrated hypertext encyclopedia of Tolkien's realms and peoples. It already contains about four thousand entries, and we're constantly adding new entries and expanding existing ones.
You'll also find a selection of interactive tools, including a chronicle to help you explore Tolkien's fictional history, and calendar to translate dates and events, a lexicon of names, a glossary of old and rare words, and much more.
eSky: The Electronic Sky
The Electronic Sky is a site dedicated to the entire universe. Here you'll find a whole range of articles covering cosmic phenomena of all kinds, ranging from minor craters on the Moon to entire galaxies.
The site also includes the Planet Wheel shows the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets for the week ahead, a useful astronomical tool that's also available as an iPhone app.
Glyph Web Site Sponsors
Discus is an integrated DISC personality profiling system designed with the professional in mind. This online profiling service can help you develop your hiring processes, providing detailed behavioural interpretations, and matching candidates to their ideal jobs. Use Discus to understand the people around you more fully, and to develop effective and resilient teams and working relationships using DISC psychometric profiling.
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Setting up a DISC profile could hardly be easier: Discus will e-mail invitations to your candidates, and present them with DISC questionnaires online. Once complete (a process that usually takes about ten minutes), Discus will instantly analyse the results and present you with a thoroughly detailed and comprenehsive personality report.
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