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Your search query matched a total of 2,008 entries. For large sets of results like this, the lists below may not show all matching entries. To see more manageable results, try lengthening your search term or making it more specific.

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A Hobbit’s HolidayThe subtitle of Bilbo Baggins’ memoirs
Accursed YearsThe long years of Isildur's curse
AeglosThe snowthorn of Amon Rûdh
Aeglos (Aiglos)The Spear of Gil-galad
AftercomersThe Younger Children of Ilúvatar
AgathurushThe river Gwathló
AlcarondasThe Castle of the Sea
‘Aldarion and Erendis’The tale of the Mariner’s Wife
Amethyst HornblowerWife to Rudibert Bolger
Amlaith of FornostThe first King of Arthedain
Amon SûlThe hill that Men called Weathertop
Amon UilosMount Everwhite
AmrasYoungest of the Seven Sons of Fëanor
Ancient DarknessThe primordial Void surrounding Arda
Ancient SpeechThe tongue of the High Elves
Ancient WestAman, the lost Blessed Realm
AndrastThe peninsula of Ras Morthil
AndustarThe Westlands of Númenor
Andwise ‘Andy’ RoperSam’s rope-making uncle
AnfalasA shoreland fief of Gondor
Angelica BagginsThe daughter of Ponto Baggins
AngerthasThe Runes
Angerthas DaeronThe later Runes of the Elves
Angerthas MoriaThe rune-writing of Khazad-dûm
AngrenostThe ringed fortress also called Isengard
AngristThe iron-cleaving knife made by Telchar
AnnúminasAncient seat of the Kings of Arnor
Anor-stoneThe palantír of Minas Anor
Anson RoperThe son of Sam's Uncle Andy
ApesForest creatures from the southern lands
Ar-SakalthôrThe twenty-second Ruler of Númenor
AraglasThe sixth Chieftain of the Dúnedain
Aragorn ElessarSon of Arathorn, Heir of Isildur and King of the Reunited Kingdom of the Dúnedain
AragostThe eighth Chieftain of the Dúnedain
ArassuilThe eleventh Chieftain of the North
ArciryasYounger son of Telumehtar Umbardacil
ArkenstoneThe Heart of the Mountain of Erebor
ArmenelosThe royal city of Númenor
ArminasThe companion of Gelmir
ArossiachThe crossing of the Aros
ArtanisThe ‘father-name’ of Galadriel
Arvedui Last-kingLast of the Kings of Arthedain
Arwen EvenstarNoble Queen to Aragorn Elessar
Asëa aranionKingsfoil
AsfalothThe horse of Glorfindel
AsgonA rebel of Dor-lómin
Ash MountainsThe range that formed Mordor’s northern border
Ashen MountainsThe northern fences of Mordor
AshesSpear-wood of the Rohirrim
AsphodelPale flowers of the woodland
Asphodel BrandybuckA daughter of Gorbadoc Brandybuck
AstaldoThe surname of Tulkas
AstarThe 'months' of the Númenórean calendars
AstronThe fourth month of the year, to the Shire-hobbits
AthelasAn Elvish name for kingsfoil
Baggins FamilyAn old and important family of Hobbiton
Bagshot RowThe row of smials beneath Bag End
Balbo BagginsAn ancestor of Bilbo Baggins
BalrogsDread Servants of Melkor
Bandobras ‘Bullroarer’ TookVictor of the Battle of Greenfields
Banks FamilyA common family of Hobbits
Barad NimrasFinrod’s coastal watchtower
BardingsThe Men of Dale
Barrow-downsThe haunted hills of Tyrn Gorthad
Barrow-wightsEvil spirits out of Angmar
BarrowsThe mounds of Tyrn Gorthad
Base Master of TreacheryA title given by Gandalf to Sauron
Basso BoffinAn adventurous son of Buffo Boffin
BatsFluttering creatures of the night
Battle GardensA name mooted for the remade Bagshot Row
Battle of Five ArmiesThe great battle before the gates of Erebor
Battle of FornostThe climactic battle after the end of the North-kingdom
Battle of GreenfieldsBandobras Took’s defeat of invading Orcs
Battle of Sudden FlameThe Dagor Bragollach
Battle of the Crossings of EruiThe fall of Castamir the Usurper
Battle of the Mines of MoriaThe defeat of Azog
Battle of the Pelennor FieldsThe siege and defence of Minas Tirith
Battle of the PlainsGondor’s disastrous first battle with the Wainriders
Battle of the PowersThe ruin of Utumno and capture of Melkor
Battle of Unnumbered TearsA name for the Nirnaeth Arnoediad
Battle-under-StarsThe Dagor-nuin-Giliath
Battles of the Fords of IsenThe defence of western Rohan
Bay of BelfalasThe great bay to the south of Gondor
Beacons of GondorThe warning-fires of Minas Tirith
BeechesTall trees of the northern forests
BeesHoney-making insects
Belba BagginsAn aunt of Bilbo Baggins
Beleg StrongbowMarchwarden of Doriath
BelegostA citadel of the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains
BelfalasA shoreland fief of Gondor
BëoriansThe first Men to enter Beleriand
BeorningsThe heirs of Beorn
Better SmialsA suggested name for the remade Bagshot Row
Big BossesCommanders of the Orcs of Mordor
Bilbo BagginsThe Ring-finder
Bingo BagginsOne of Bilbo Baggins’ uncles
BirchesSilver-barked trees
Black ChasmThe darkness of Moria
Black GatesThe Morannon of Mordor
Black MasterSauron as a dark god of Men
Black NúmenóreansThe students of Sauron
Black PitsThe dungeons of the Dark Tower
Black RidersThe Nazgûl on horseback
Black SerpentA symbol of the Haradrim
Black ShadowThe blight of the Nazgûl
Black SpeechThe tongue of the servants of Sauron
Black StoneThe Stone on the Hill of Erech
Black SwordA name for Túrin Turambar
Black Sword of BrethilTúrin among the Woodmen
Black Sword of NargothrondTúrin in the halls of Orodreth
Black Sword of the SouthA title of Túrin Turambar in Brethil
Black YearsThe reign of Sauron in Middle-earth
Blade that was BrokenThe broken Sword of Elendil
Blessed RealmThe Undying Lands west of the Great Sea
Blood of StoneThe red flower that mantled Amon Rûdh
BloodstainedTúrin’s alias Agarwaen
Blue MountainsThe northwestern mountain-chain of Middle-earth
Blue WizardsThe two Wizards who went into the East of Middle-earth
Book of the KingsThe chronicle of the House of Anárion
Book of the StewardsThe later chronicles of the rulers of Gondor
Bosco BoffinAn important ancestor of the Boffin family
BoundersThe Shire’s border patrol
Bree-hobbitsThe Hobbits of Staddle and the Bree-land
Bree-landersThe Men and Hobbits who lived around the Bree-hill
BregolasThe elder brother of Barahir
Bridge of EsgalduinThe crossing on the northern borders of Doriath
Bridge of StonebowsThe ancient name for the Brandywine Bridge
BridgefieldsThe lands west of the Brandywine Bridge
BrockenboresA settlement in the north of the Shire
Brockhouse FamilyA Hobbit family
Brown LandsThe ruined lands to the east of the Anduin
Bucca of the MarishFirst of the Shire-thains
BucklandersThe Hobbits of Buckland
BundushathûrThe mountain the Elves called Fanuidhol
Bungo BagginsThe builder of Bag End
Burned DwarvesThe fallen of Azanulbizar
Burrowes FamilyOne of the auctioneers of Bag End
Burrows FamilyA family of the Shire-hobbits
Cabed-en-ArasThe Deer’s Leap
Cair AndrosThe ‘Ship of Long-foam
Calendar of ImladrisThe Reckoning of Rivendell
Camellia SackvilleOne of Bilbo Baggins’ aunts
CamlostThe Empty-handed
Captain of DespairSauron’s captain at the Battle of the Pelennor
Captain of SauronThe Morgul-lord
Captain of ShipsCommander of the navies of the Dúnedain
Captain of the Host of the WestCommander of the forces opposed to Sauron
Captain of the HostsA military title among the Gondorians
Captain of the King’s HouseholdLeader of the King’s Company of Rohan
Captain of the King’s ShipsThe admiral of Númenor’s fleets
Captain of the Southern ArmyA military title of Eärnil
Captains of the WestLeaders of the final hopeless march to Mordor
CaradhrasThe Redhorn
Caras GaladhonThe tree-city of the Galadhrim
CarchostOne of the Towers that guarded the Black Gate
Carl ‘Nibs’ CottonThe youngest of Tom Cotton’s children
CastamirThe Usurper of Gondor
Castle of the SeaThe flagship of Ar-Pharazôn
CatsThe mouse-hunters of Middle-earth
Cats of Queen BerúthielThe spying servants of Tarannon’s Queen
Causeway FortsTwo forts that guarded the Pelennor Fields
Cave-trollsEvil creatures of the underworld
Caverns of Helm’s DeepThe Glittering Caves of Aglarond
Caverns of NarogThe caves beneath the High Faroth
Caves of the ForgottenThe prison of Ar-Pharazôn
CedarsMighty spreading trees of southern climes
CelandinesYellow star-shaped flowers
CelebrosThe stream of the Rainy Stair
CerthasA runic system
Certhas DaeronThe original Runes of Doriath
Chamber of RecordsThe Chamber of Mazarbul in Khazad-dûm
Chambers of FireThe heart of Sauron’s power
Chief ShirriffA title claimed by Lotho Sackville-Baggins
Chief’s MenEnforcers of the Chief Shirriff
Chieftain of the RingwraithsA title of the Lord of the Nazgûl
Children of the SunA name used among the Elves for Men
Chronology of the WestlandsThe Tale of Years
Chubb-Baggins FamilyA branch of the Baggins of Hobbiton
Circle of IsengardThe outer wall of Orthanc
Circles of the WorldThe boundaries of the Earth
Círdan the ShipwrightThe keeper of the Grey Havens
Citadel of the StarsThe ancient capital of Gondor
City of the CorsairsThe far southern Haven of Umbar
City of the KingsA title of two cities
City of the TreesCaras Galadhon in the land of Lórien
Closed DoorThe door that led to the Silent Street
Cold-drakesThe least mighty of Dragons

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